Making Girls’ Wrestling Practice and Tournaments Fun: A Parent’s Ultimate Guide


Wrestling isn’t just a boys’ club; it’s a stage where young girls can shine, showcasing their strength, agility, and indomitable spirit. But let’s sprinkle some glitter on that stage and make it a joyous experience for our budding female athletes. This guide is your go-to resource for turning wrestling practices and tournaments into empowering and fun-filled events for your young wrestler. So, lace up those wrestling boots, we’re about to make some girl-powered memories!

Create a Pre-Practice Ritual

Kickstart the practice session with a ritual that resonates with your young athlete. How about a “Goal-Setting Huddle” where she shares one skill she aims to improve during practice? Or perhaps a “High-Five Run,” where she gives high-fives to teammates while shouting empowering slogans like “Girl Power!” This ritual serves as her adrenaline-pumping entry into the wrestling world.

Nutritional Power-Up 

Before she steps into the ring, fuel her engines with a nutritious yet delicious snack. How about a smoothie bowl adorned with her favorite fruits? It’s the perfect pre-practice power-up that ensures she’s energized but not sluggish.

Gear Up in Style 

Let her pick out her practice gear for the day. Whether it’s a singlet with her favorite empowering quote or leggings in her favorite color, dressing up adds an extra layer of excitement and personalization to her practice. Don’t forget to check out’s “The Zone” for a wide range of fun t-shirts and workout apparel designed specifically for young female wrestlers.

Set the Playlist 

Music is more than just a melody; it’s a mood-setter and a motivator. Create a pre-practice playlist filled with her favorite girl-power anthems that celebrate strength, resilience, and femininity. Whether it’s Beyoncé’s “Run the World (Girls)” or Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off,” let the tunes pump her up and set the tone for an empowering practice session. Play it on the way to practice or even during warm-ups to get her in the zone and ready to rumble on the mat.

The Pep Talk 

Before she steps onto the mat, take a moment for a mini pep talk that’s as impactful as a well-executed wrestling move. Remind her that practice is a time for learning, growing, and most importantly, having fun. It’s not just about winning; it’s about developing skills and building character. Use affirmations like “You’re strong, you’re capable, and you’re going to rock this practice.” Your words can be the wind beneath her wrestling wings, lifting her spirits and boosting her confidence as she prepares to engage in the sport she loves.

Post-Practice Wind Down 

After the sweat and the takedowns, it’s time for a post-practice wind-down. This is the perfect opportunity to celebrate her efforts and discuss what she learned. Maybe it’s a quick stop at her favorite smoothie place for a healthy treat, or perhaps it’s a simple car ride home where you listen to a podcast about inspiring female athletes. The key is to make this time about her—her achievements, her growth, and her love for wrestling.

Preparing for the Tournament

Fueling Up for Success 

The days leading up to a tournament are crucial for setting the stage for success. Nutrition plays a key role in how your young wrestler will perform. Opt for meals rich in lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Think grilled chicken, quinoa, and avocado. Hydration is equally important, so make sure she’s sipping on water or electrolyte drinks to stay in peak form.

The Waiting Game 

Tournaments often involve a lot of downtime, which can be challenging for both the wrestler and the family. Pack a “Tournament Fun Bag” filled with card games, coloring books, or even a portable speaker for a family dance-off. These activities can keep the energy positive and the nerves at bay.

Rest and Recharge Between Matches

Between matches, comfort is key. Bring a cozy blanket and a small pillow for those bleacher breaks. It’s also essential to stay clean to prevent any skin issues. Pack some facial wipes and hand sanitizer for quick clean-ups.

Food and Snacks

Avoid the temptation of concession stand junk food. Instead, pack a cooler with healthy options like fruit slices, protein bars, and yogurt. These will keep her energy levels stable without causing any digestive issues.

Post-Tournament Celebration

The Celebration 

Win or lose, the end of the tournament is a time for celebration. Choose a family-friendly restaurant that everyone enjoys for a post-tournament feast. This is the time to relax, relive the day’s highlights, and perhaps indulge in a dessert as a sweet end to a day of hard work and dedication.

Summary: Making Wrestling a Joyful Journey for Young Girls

So, what’s the right age for girls to start wrestling? The answer isn’t one-size-fits-all. Girls can start as young as 5 or as late as high school, but the key is to keep the focus on fun, physical development, and socialization. When competition becomes the sole focus, it’s time to reevaluate. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination.

From pre-practice rituals to post-tournament celebrations, the opportunities for making wrestling a positive and empowering experience are endless. Whether she’s a newbie or a seasoned pro, these practical tips can make her wrestling journey a memorable one.

So why wait? Get her geared up in style with empowering apparel from’s “The Zone” and let her wrestling adventure begin!