Do girls go against boys in wrestling? – The Journey of Girls in Wrestling

Table of Contents

  1. The Early Years: Introduction to Wrestling
    • First Experiences on the Mat
    • Girls vs. Boys in Early Wrestling
  2. The Changing Landscape: Girls-Only Divisions
    • Rise of Girls-Only Divisions
    • Decision Point: Co-Ed or All-Girls
  3. Junior High and Beyond: Evolving Choices
    • The Shift in Wrestling Landscape
    • State Regulations and Personal Choices
  4. High School Wrestling: A New Arena
    • Opportunities and Challenges
    • Balancing Academics and Athletics
  5. Girls Wrestling Against Girls: The Advantages
    • Fairer Competition and Camaraderie
    • Confidence and Skill Focus
  6. Beyond High School: Future Paths
    • College Wrestling and Global Opportunities
    • Coaching, Mentoring, and Life Skills
  7. Conclusion: The Dynamic Journey of Girls in Wrestling
    • The Evolution of Girls’ Wrestling
    • Empowerment and Choice

Setting the Stage

The Challenge and the Opportunity

Welcome to the world of girls’ wrestling—a sport that’s not just about strength and technique but also about breaking barriers and shattering stereotypes. Whether you’re a coach, a parent, or an aspiring young wrestler, this guide is designed to navigate you through the unique journey of girls in this incredible sport. Wrestling offers a unique blend of physical and mental challenges, making it a perfect platform for young girls to build confidence, discipline, and resilience. Along the way we will discuss whether girls have to wrestle against boys, whether they should wrestle against boys and can they wrestle against boys.

Why This Matters

Here at, we’re not just about providing quality athletic apparel; we’re about empowering young female athletes to reach their full potential. And what better way to do that than to delve into the intricacies of girls’ wrestling? We believe that knowledge is power, and this article aims to equip you with the insights you need to help young female wrestlers thrive.

The Early Years – Laying the Foundation

The Wrestling Mat: A Sandbox for Young Athletes

Welcome to the world of wrestling! In these early years, the mat serves as a sandbox where kids, both boys and girls, get their first taste of the sport. They learn the fundamentals—executing takedowns, escaping holds, and experiencing the euphoria of a raised hand signaling victory. At this stage, it’s not uncommon to see girls wrestling against boys, often determined by weight classes and skill levels rather than gender. The benefits of wrestling extend beyond the mat, shaping young athletes in ways that are both empowering and transformative.”

man and women wrestler "the ZONE"

Wrestling Boys: A Unique Opportunity

But let’s be clear: wrestling against boys isn’t merely a logistical necessity; it’s a golden opportunity. Boys often bring a diverse range of techniques to the mat, offering unique challenges that can help young girls build a robust skill set. At this age, the physical differences between boys and girls are minimal, making these matches more about skill and less about brute strength.

The Changing Landscape: The Rise of Girls-Only Divisions

The wrestling landscape is evolving. Many states with sanctioned wrestling programs are advocating for more girls-only divisions, even at these tender ages. The message is clear: girls deserve their own space in this sport, and steps are being taken to ensure that. As these young athletes approach junior high, they face a pivotal choice—continue wrestling in co-ed divisions or transition to an all-girls division.

young wrestler "the ZONE"The Pivotal Moment: Co-Ed or All-Girls?

This choice is more than just a fork in the road; it’s a defining moment in a young athlete’s journey. Whether they opt for the co-ed realm or an all-girls division, the decision will shape their wrestling experience in the years to come. The journey into wrestling can begin at various life stages, each offering its own set of opportunities and challenges.”

The Building Blocks: Setting the Stage for the Future

So, as we delve deeper into the complexities and opportunities in girls’ wrestling, let’s not forget these early years. They serve as the building blocks for everything that follows, laying the foundation for a future filled with choices, challenges, and triumphs.

The Transition – Junior High and Beyond

The Landscape Shifts: More Than Just Techniques

As your young wrestlers transition from the early years into junior high, the sport’s landscape starts to shift in subtle yet significant ways. It’s not just about learning new techniques or facing more intense competition; it’s about choices, social dynamics, and, in some states, regulations.

 two-wrestlers-facing-off-the-ZONEState Regulations: Girls-Only Divisions

Many states now offer girls-only divisions, especially as athletes approach high school. This isn’t merely an option; in some states with sanctioned girls’ wrestling, it becomes the only path once they reach high school. This isn’t about limiting opportunities but rather about recognizing the growing interest and participation in girls’ wrestling.

The Personal Choice: Why Girls Choose Girls-Only Divisions

The reasons for choosing a girls-only division can vary. While some athletes appreciate the level playing field, others value the social comfort it provides. Puberty is a time of heightened self-awareness, and some young athletes—both girls and boys—may prefer not to compete against each other during this phase.

Trailblazers in Co-Ed Divisions

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the girls who have competed successfully in co-ed divisions. These athletes have not only won matches but have also broken barriers, proving that skill and determination are not confined by gender. They serve as role models and trailblazers, even if the rules in some states eventually lead them to girls-only competitions.

Becoming Role Models: The Community Takes Notice

As these young athletes navigate this transitional phase, they’re not just making choices for themselves; they’re also becoming role models. The community starts to take notice. Local media may cover their achievements, parents become more involved, and these young women begin to realize their influence extends beyond the mat.

The Final Word: Growth and Self-Discovery

So, as you guide your team through this period of transition, remember: it’s a time of choices and sometimes regulations, but most importantly, it’s a time of growth and self-discovery. It’s about finding the path that aligns with individual comfort, state rules, and personal ambition, both inside and outside the ring.

The High School Years – A New Arena of Opportunities

The Mat as a Stage: Spotlight on High School Wrestling

High school wrestling is where the spotlight starts to shine brighter. It’s not just another extracurricular activity; it’s a stage where young athletes can showcase their skills, dedication, and sportsmanship. This is the time when college scouts start to pay attention, and the stakes get higher.

Scholarships and College Prospects: The Game-Changer

One of the most significant opportunities that come with high school wrestling is the potential for scholarships. For many girls, this can be a game-changer, opening doors to higher education and a future in the sport. It’s crucial to start building a strong wrestling resume early on, participating in state and national tournaments whenever possible.

Strong Inside and Out shirt at "the ZONE"
Strong Inside and Out shirt at “the ZONE”

Balancing Academics and Athletics: The Tightrope Walk

High school is also a time of academic rigor. Balancing the demands of wrestling with schoolwork can be a tightrope walk. Time management becomes an essential skill, as does learning how to prioritize. Coaches and parents play a pivotal role in helping athletes find this balance.

Building a Brand: The Rise of Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media plays a significant role in an athlete’s life. Platforms like Instagram and Twitter allow young wrestlers to build a brand, connect with fans, and even attract sponsors. However, it’s crucial to use these platforms wisely, maintaining a professional image while also showcasing personality.

The Community Involvement: More Than Just a Sport

High school wrestling often serves as a community focal point. Fundraisers, charity events, and local sponsorships can help not only the team but also the community at large. Wrestlers become local heroes, their stories inspiring the next generation of athletes.

The Final Take: Preparing for the Next Chapter

As the high school years wind down, it’s time to look ahead. Whether it’s college wrestling, coaching, or even a career outside of the sport, the skills and experiences gained during these crucial years will serve these young athletes for a lifetime.

The Advantages of Girls Wrestling Against Girls

Leveling the Playing Field: Fairer Competition

When girls wrestle against girls, the competition is often more balanced. This isn’t to say that girls can’t compete against boys; many have and do so successfully. However, girls-only divisions offer a level playing field where physical attributes are more evenly matched, allowing skill and technique to shine.

Building Camaraderie: A Sisterhood on the Mat

Wrestling in girls-only divisions fosters a unique sense of camaraderie and sisterhood. Athletes often find it easier to relate to each other, share experiences, and build lasting friendships. This sense of community can be empowering and serves to elevate the sport as a whole. The camaraderie among teammates can turn even the most grueling practice sessions into memorable experiences.

Boosting Confidence: Empowering Young Athletes

Competing against peers in a girls-only division can significantly boost an athlete’s confidence. Wins feel like true victories, and losses offer constructive lessons without the cloud of gender dynamics. This confidence often translates to better performance and a more enjoyable experience.

Spotlight on Skill: A Focus on Technique

In a girls-only division, the focus often shifts more towards skill and technique rather than brute strength. This nuance allows for a richer, more strategic form of wrestling that can be both challenging and rewarding.

Safety and Comfort: Physical and Emotional Well-being

While safety is a priority in any wrestling match, girls may find a greater sense of physical and emotional comfort when competing against other girls. This comfort level can lead to better performance and a more positive experience overall. Managing one’s weight is an integral part of the sport, teaching discipline and healthy habits from an early age.”

Beyond High School – Charting Your Own Path

The College Arena: A Growing Landscape

With 124 women’s college wrestling programs and 76 clubs, the opportunities for female wrestlers to continue their journey are expanding. Among these, 37 NAIA women’s wrestling teams and 3 NCAA Division 1 women’s wrestling teams offer a higher level of competition and exposure. Scholarships are often available, funded through various means such as fundraising, donations, endowments, or set scholarship budgets.

Scholarships: The Financial Backbone

Schools have the discretion to decide how many scholarships they can fund for women’s wrestling. These scholarships can be funded through a variety of means, including fundraising, donations, an endowment, or a set scholarship budget. This financial support can make the dream of college wrestling a reality for many young athletes.

The Global Stage: World Championships and Olympics

For those who aspire to reach the pinnacle of the sport, the World Championships and the Olympics are the ultimate goals. Competing at this level requires an unparalleled level of dedication, skill, and mental fortitude. It’s not just about the glory; it’s about etching your name in the annals of wrestling history.

Coaching and Mentoring: Giving Back to the Sport

Many athletes find fulfillment in coaching or mentoring the next generation of wrestlers. This path allows you to stay involved in the sport and community, offering a meaningful way to give back.

Life Beyond the Mat: Transferrable Skills

Wrestling equips you with a set of skills that are valuable in various walks of life. Whether you venture into business, healthcare, or other fields, the discipline and time management skills honed on the mat can serve you well.

Wrapping Up: The Dynamic Journey of Girls in Wrestling

So, let’s get real for a moment. We’ve taken a deep dive into the incredible universe of girls’ wrestling, and what a ride it’s been! From those first tentative steps on the mat as kids to the high-stakes game in high school, there’s no shortage of thrills, choices, and life-changing moments.

Now, to circle back to the question that initiated this exploration: Do girls wrestle against boys? The answer is nuanced. Yes, girls do wrestle against boys, especially in the early stages where matches are often determined by weight classes, age and skill levels rather than gender. However, as athletes grow and the sport evolves, many states are offering girls-only divisions, giving young female wrestlers the option to compete in an environment that some find more comfortable and equitable. Wrestling is more than just a sport; it’s a platform for young girls to break barriers and challenge norms.”

young wrestler at "the ZONE"So here’s the bottom line: girls’ wrestling isn’t just about flexing muscles; it’s about flexing your power, breaking down walls, and owning your choices. Whether you’re wrestling boys or sticking to an all-girls squad, you’re making history, one match at a time.

And hey, no matter which path you pick, we’ve got your back. At, we’re not just selling gear; we’re part of your tribe, cheering you on every step of the way. So go ahead, make your choice, and let’s shake the wrestling world together!

Questions and Answers

Q1: How do girls’ early experiences in wrestling typically involve competing against boys? A1: In the early years, girls often wrestle against boys, especially in matches determined by weight classes and skill levels rather than gender. This provides a unique opportunity for young girls to build a robust skill set and compete on an even playing field.

Q2: What changes occur in the wrestling landscape as athletes approach junior high and high school? 

A2: As athletes transition to junior high and high school, many states offer girls-only divisions. This shift allows for more balanced competition and provides a level playing field where physical differences are minimized, focusing more on skill and technique.

Q3: What are the advantages of girls wrestling against other girls in girls-only divisions? 

A3: Girls-only divisions offer a more balanced competition, fostering a unique sense of camaraderie and sisterhood. Competing against peers boosts athletes’ confidence, allowing them to focus more on skill and technique, and provides a greater sense of physical and emotional comfort.

Q4: How does high school wrestling differ from the earlier stages, and what opportunities does it present? 

A4: High school wrestling brings a brighter spotlight, with opportunities for scholarships and higher stakes. It’s a time for athletes to showcase their skills and dedication, balancing the demands of wrestling with academic rigor, and potentially attracting college scouts.

Q5: What future paths are available for female wrestlers beyond high school? 

A5: Beyond high school, female wrestlers have opportunities in college wrestling programs, global competitions like the World Championships and Olympics, and roles in coaching and mentoring. The skills learned in wrestling, such as discipline and time management, are also valuable in various life paths.