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About Us

“The Zone”

“Welcome to, your gateway to “The Zone”, a place inspired by a love for wrestling and a desire to empower young girls in the sport. Our journey began on the wrestling mat, where we discovered the power of wrestling to build confidence and resilience.

We’ve coached incredible athletes, guiding them to state and national championships. But more than the titles, we’ve seen how wrestling can transform lives, giving young people the confidence to take on any challenge.

We started this site to fill a gap in the market, creating a unique space we call “The Zone”, where girls who love wrestling can find apparel that resonates with them. But more than that, we wanted to create a community that supports and empowers girls in wrestling.

At, we believe in the power of representation. We believe that every girl should feel seen and supported in the wrestling community. And through our unique range of apparel, we aim to do just that.

Welcome to Let’s grow girls wrestling together in “The Zone.”


“Here at “The Zone” in, we champion the mantra of being ‘Bold, Brave, and Beautiful’. But what does this mean for a young woman in wrestling?

To be Bold is to step onto the wrestling mat, ready to take on any challenge. It’s about making your presence known, not being afraid to stand out, and showing the world your strength and determination.

Being Brave is about more than just physical strength. It’s about the courage to keep going, even when things get tough. It’s about standing up after a fall, learning from each match, and never backing down.

And Beautiful? Beauty in wrestling isn’t about how you look. It’s about the grace and passion you bring to the sport. It’s about the sweat and effort you put into every practice, every match. It’s about the respect you show your opponents, and the love you have for the sport.

At, we believe every girl who steps onto the wrestling mat is Bold, Brave, and Beautiful. And through our unique range of apparel, we aim to celebrate and support these amazing young women.”

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